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Costs | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored


Tuition fees in Germany are very low and have not been introduced across the board.

Education costs at German universities mainly consist of the semester fee, which usually includes a ticket for local public transport, contributions to the student union and self-administration.

It varies from university to university and must be paid before the start of the semester. The costs for textbooks and study materials cannot be quantified across the board as they depend on the subject.

Of course, there are also costs for living expenses, which are more expensive in urban areas than in rural regions. In addition to the semester fee, you should be able to raise around 950 euros per month based on the maximum BAföG funding rate.

Students are generally excluded from benefits according to SGB II and XII. Even benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act may no longer be used to finance studies after a period of 15 months.

If you cannot finance your studies yourself through your own work, savings or private supporters, you will need a scholarship, loan or other educational support


Unter Lebenshaltungskosten werden alle nötigen Geldausgaben zusammengefasst, die ein Haushalt durchschnittlich im Monat tätigen muss. Dazu zählen Aufwendungen für Wohnen, Gesundheit, Lebensmittel, Mobilität und Freizeit. Weitere Bereiche sind z. B. Beklei

5 steps to studying

  • Special interests and skills
  • previous knowledge
  • Suitable organization of the course
  • ...
  • Gain an overview of courses on offer
  • Use university information days
  • Study fair
  • Websites of the universities
  • Counseling services
  • ...
  • Admission requirements at the university
  • Language skills, if applicable
  • Numerus Clausus, if applicable
  • ...
  • Do I meet all the admission requirements?
  • Financing the course
  • Travel costs, if applicable
  • Housing situation at the university, if applicable
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Seek expert help / have it proofread
  • ...