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Entry and stay for tourism purposes | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Entry and stay for tourism purposes

You are very welcome in Germany.

You can find out more about your personal conditions for entry and residence by entering your country of origin in the configurator.

Entry for EU citizens

Citizens of EU and EEA countries have the right to freedom of movement. This means that you can stay in any EU country of your choice. You do not need a visa or residence permit to enter or stay in the country.

An exception applies to Swiss citizens who wish to stay longer than 90 days. They must apply for a residence permit-CH and receive an electronic residence permit.

Entry for citizens from third countries

If your country of origin is outside the EU or EEA, in most cases you will need an appropriate visa and/or a residence permit in Germany to enter the country.

If you can enter Germany without a visa, your stay is limited to 90 out of 180 days and is usually tied to a residence permit. For longer stays, you must enter the country with an appropriate visa.


Die Stadt Jena ist in allen Bereichen gut vernetzt. Wer als Einwohner oder Besucher in Jena unterwegs ist, kommt dank komfortabler Verkehrswege und Streckennetze immer rasch, bequem und unkompliziert ans Ziel.


Jena hat für jeden etwas zu bieten und zeichnet sich durch ein vielfältiges Angebot in den Bereichen Kultur und Freizeit aus. Neben dem Theaterhaus, 3 Kinos und der Jenaer Philharmonie erwartet Sie eine abwechslungsreiche Museumslandschaft sowie eine lebe