Citizen's Budget 2020
On 15.07.2020, the city council unanimously approved the 2020 citizens' budget with an amount of € 25,000. Due to the difficult budget situation caused by the Corona pandemic, the amount is lower this year. This also made changes in the rules necessary. You can find the justifications in the Council Information System. The complete set of rules and examples of valid and invalid proposals according to this year's regulations can be found under downloads.

The most important information on the Citizens' Budget 2020
What is the citizens' budget?
The citizens' budget is a separate form of participation for the residents of the city of Jena. They have the opportunity to submit proposals for measures to improve the city. And they then have the opportunity to vote on the basis of all submitted proposals which of them should be implemented within the framework of the budget.
Proposals can only be submitted for measures that are
- are in the area of voluntary tasks of the city of Jena,
- are not already budgeted for in the budget or business plan of a municipal undertaking, and
- cannot be realized by other financing possibilities (e.g. budget of the local district councils).
This year the total amount of the citizens' budget is 25.000€. Proposals
Who can submit proposals for the citizens' budget?
All people who would like to help shape Jena are entitled to submit proposals for the use of the citizens' budget. In order for the proposal to be valid and voted on, it is obligatory to provide the name and contact details of the submitter for any queries.
What are the requirements for my proposal?
Proposals will be put to the vote if
- have been received within the submission deadline,
- the responsibility for the implementation lies with the city of Jena (core administration and own enterprises),
- are realizable within the next two years,
- do not exceed the amount of 5,000 € per individual measure,
- are not measures that are designed to be permanent,
- include the follow-up costs for maintenance, upkeep and management for the next 5 years in the budget costs of max. 5,000 €,
- serve the general public and
- refer to the voluntary area of responsibility of the city of Jena, such as children and youth work, senior citizen work, culture, sports, etc..
Proposals can also be submitted in favour of associations, sponsors, organisations and institutions by natural persons, provided that they are residents of the city of Jena. However, only proposals that are either in public space or in publicly accessible areas or are accessible to the general public free of charge can be implemented.
Proposals will not be put to the vote if they are already budgeted in the budget of the city administration or the economic plans of the municipal enterprises.
The citizens' budget as well as the measures funded with it are part of democratic commitment and, in accordance with the Jena City Programme, may not discriminate against anyone with regard to ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual identity.
How can I submit my proposal?
Proposals can be sent in writing to
Department of Urban Development and Environment
Central Coordination Office for Citizen Participation
Am Anger 26
07743 Jena
or by e-mail to buergerhaushalt@jena.de as well as electronically via the form .
When can I submit my proposal?
Proposals for the citizens' budget can be submitted throughout the year. The deadline for consideration in the budget for the current calendar year is 30.09.2020. Proposals submitted after this date will be included in the subsequent citizens' budget.
Where can I find all the proposals?
The proposals received will be checked for validity by the City of Jena. This will usually take five working days. All submitted proposals will be published continuously on the portal. For proposals that are not valid, there is a justification by the city of Jena.
How and when will the valid proposals be voted on?
All residents of Jena who are at least 16 years old can directly decide which proposals will be implemented with the citizens' budget. Each person entitled to vote can cast a maximum of five votes. The result of the vote is binding.
Due to the Corona restrictions, the voting week and the closing event on 28.11.2020 unfortunately have to be cancelled.
Voting can be done until 10.12.2020 as follows
- Online via this portal
- via ballot papers, which can be handed in at various locations.
The ballot paper should be filled out completely and put into an envelope. Please label it with "central coordination office for citizen participation, vote citizen budget".
The ballots can be handed in either in the deadline mailbox of the city of Jena (Am Anger 15), at the district mayors of your district as well as the district offices in Neulobeda and Winzerla.
The ballot paper as well as an address overview of the delivery places is available for you under Downloads.
Registration is necessary for online voting!
Results of the 2020 vote
No. | Proposal | Votes | Amount | 25.000 € |
1 | New for the urge to move on the Westsportplatz (InWest e. V.) | 1.012 | 5.000 € | 20.000 € |
10 | Educational board dinosaur trail "Jena in the sea | 561 | 5.000 € | 15.000 € |
6 | Information board Jägerberg | 520 | 1.800 € | 13.200 € |
37 | Boule field | 361 | 5.000 € | 8.200 € |
30 | Swing for outdoor facility at Hugo youth centre | 352 | 5.000 € | 3.200 € |
22 | Insect-friendly flowers on the overgrown bed on the Eichplatz | 337 | 5.000 € | Residual amount insufficient |
35 | Signposted jogging trails in the countryside | 314 | 2.500 € | 700 € |
3 | Bike repair stations for Jena | 270 | 5.000 € | Residual amount not sufficient |
14 | Community garden for Wenigenjena | 193 | 5.000 € | Balance insufficient |
25 | Waste collection station for a clean Jena | 169 | 5.000 € | Residual amount not sufficient |
24 | Digital Inverted Gymnasium | 147 | 2.400 € | Balance insufficient |
29 | Design of the village centre in Ziegenhain including the construction of a bench | 145 | 5.000 € | Residual amount insufficient |
19 | The wandering garden of Jena | 144 | 5.000 € | Remaining amount not sufficient |
32 | Old fountain seeks attention! | 136 | 5.000 € | Residual amount not sufficient |
27 | Mutual consideration for people with and without handicap in the urban traffic |
126 | 5.000 € | Residual amount insufficient |
5 | Rubbish bins along the district heating pipeline to the Sparkassenarena | 124 | 5.000 € | Residual amount not sufficient |
36 | A place to enjoy and marvel | 95 | 5.000 € | Residual amount insufficient |
33 | New nursery for the Lurch family | 90 | 5.000 € | Residual amount not sufficient |
21 | New paint for the benches in the green area of Eichplatz | 48 | 5.000 € | Residual amount insufficient |
43 | Prominent placing of the town twinning | 16 | 5.000 € | Residual amount insufficient |
31 | New coat of paint for the benches at the corner of Kieserstraße and Schulstraße | 15 | 2.400 € | Residual amount not sufficient |
Total | 5.175 | 94.100 € | 700 € Carried forward to the next citizens' budget |