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apply for maintenance advance | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

apply for maintenance advance

Der Unterhaltsvorschuss ist eine staatliche Leistung für Kinder von Alleinerziehenden. Er hilft, die finanzielle Lebensgrundlage Ihres Kindes zu sichern, wenn der andere Elternteil nicht oder nur teilweise oder nicht regelmäßig Unterhalt in Höhe des Unterhaltsvorschusses zahlt.

Der andere Elternteil muss den Vorschuss später zurückzahlen, wenn er keinen Unterhalt zahlt, obwohl er ganz oder teilweise Unterhalt zahlen könnte.

is entitled to advance maintenance payments:

  • who has not yet completed the twelfth year of life and
    • lives in the area of application of this law with one of his parents who is single, widowed or divorced or lives permanently separated from his spouse or partner, and
    • does not receive or does not regularly receive maintenance from the other parent or, if the other parent or a stepparent has died, orphan's allowances at least in the amount specified in § 2 subsections 1 and 2.

Furthermore, a person is entitled from the age of twelve:

  • who has not yet reached the age of eighteen, if:
    • the child does not receive benefits according to the Second Book of the Social Code (jenarbeit) or if the child's need for assistance according to § 9 of the Second Book of the Social Code can be avoided by the maintenance payment, or
    • the parent according to subsection 1 number 2 has an income of at least € 600.00 with the exception of child benefit.

How much is the advance maintenance payment?

After deduction of the child benefit to be paid for a first child, the following maintenance advance amounts result in accordance with § 2 UVG:

From 01.01.2021

Age of the child

Minimum maintenance

Child benefit

Advance maintenance amount

0 - 5 years

393,00 €

219,00 €

174,00 €

6 - 11 years

451,00 €

219,00 €

232,00 €

12 -17 years

528,00 €

219,00 €

309,00 €

Does the maintenance advance have to be paid back?

According to § 7 UVG, it is generally assumed that the maintenance payments advanced by the state must be repaid. You can find out more about this (how, when and under what concrete conditions this is the case for you) from the relevant case workers in the "Recourse processing" department.

Notes on the application

You can find the application under -> Downloads. Before completing the application, please be sure to read the information sheet, which you can also find under -> Downloads. Here you will find out to what extent you are entitled to benefits under the UVG for your child(ren). In addition, you will find information on how to complete the application itself, on the documents you need to bring with you to the application, and on your obligations to cooperate while you are receiving benefits.

Filing an application by mail does not save the parent filing the application from having to appear in person. Therefore, please hand in your application and the accompanying documents during the office hours stated above.

We will then give you an initial consultation. Here, we will check whether you meet the eligibility requirements for the benefit. In addition, you will receive a briefing from us, which will be on record, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Furthermore, we expressly ask you to use only the application form of the Free State of Thuringia under -> Forms, as there are too many copies on the Internet that are no longer up-to-date in terms of content and/or law. These often not only cause extra work for us, but also for you if you have to fill out an application again.

Über -> Links gelangen Sie zum Online-Antrag. Bitte lesen Sie vor dem Ausfüllen des Antrags unbedingt das Merkblatt, das Sie unter -> Downloads finden. Hier erfahren Sie, inwieweit Sie für Ihr(e) Kind(er) Anspruch auf Leistungen nach dem UVG haben. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie Hinweise zum Ausfüllen des Antrages selbst, zu den Unterlagen, die Sie zur Antragstellung mitbringen müssen sowie zu Ihren Mitwirkungspflichten während des Leistungsbezugs.

Eine Antragstellung per Post oder online erspart dem antragstellenden Elternteil das persönliche Erscheinen nicht. Bitte geben Sie deshalb Ihren Antrag sowie die dazugehörigen Unterlagen während der oben angegebenen Sprechzeiten ab.

Sie erhalten dann durch uns eine Erstberatung. Hier wird geprüft, ob die Anspruchsvoraussetzungen zur Gewährung der Leistung vorliegen. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie von uns eine aktenkundige Belehrung sowie haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen.

Tag Zeiten
Dienstag 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr
  • Act to secure the maintenance of children of single mothers and fathers by means of advances on maintenance payments or payments in lieu of maintenance (Advances on Maintenance Payments Act)


Maintenance Advance Team

Am Anger 13
07743 Jena