Street cleaning

The task of street cleaning is the mechanical and manual cleaning of streets and squares as well as the emptying of outdoor litter bins in the city area. The services are provided on behalf of the City of Jena and also commercially.


Cleaning frequency

Cleaning is carried out between once and seven times a week. The cleaning frequency depends on the classification of the streets in the corresponding cleaning classes of the valid street cleaning statutes of the City of Jena.

Cleaning classes

The streets are divided into cleaning classes according to their traffic importance and the cleaning work required.
This indicates the frequency of cleaning. The cleaning class is specified in the list of streets (Appendix I) of the street cleaning statutes.

For streets that are not cleaned by the City of Jena, the owner of the adjacent property is obliged to clean along their property up to the middle of the street.

Street cleaning

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena

Street cleaning plan

You can find the street cleaning plan in the street directory of the street cleaning statutes under Downloads. If your street is not listed, it may be because your street is not listed in the directory.

Street cleaning fee

The City of Jena charges fees for the cleaning of public traffic facilities on the basis of the street cleaning statutes and street cleaning fee statutes.


The fees for the determined frontage length per meter and year are as follows

  • in cleaning class 1 € 2.76
  • in cleaning class 2 € 4.80
  • in cleaning class 3 € 6.60
  • in cleaning class 5 € 15.36
  • in cleaning class 6 € 16.20
  • in cleaning class 7 € 16.56

Scale for the fee and assessment basis

The scale is the front length of the property side or facing property sides along the street through which the developed and undeveloped property is accessed and the assigned cleaning class (Street Cleaning Statutes Annex I - Street List).

Front meter scale

In accordance with the function of the front meter scale as a specific type of cost allocation, it has nothing to do with a specific sweeping route in the locality. The charge is not for cleaning the part of the street in front of the property in question, but for cleaning the entire street providing access to the property (property-related user charge).

The following are examples for determining the frontage length (click to enlarge)

Fee office

Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena



We also offer our services for private and commercial customers. Please contact the street cleaning department.

  • mechanical cleaning of streets, squares, depots, workshops, underground garages and sidewalks with small and large sweepers
  • manual cleaning of hard-to-reach areas and stairs
  • Oil spill removal
  • manual rough cleaning of buildings after shell completion and various clean-up jobs
  • Removal of leaves by manual workers with suction and blowing technology and vans
  • Removal of weeds
  • Hire of mobile litter bins for events with chargeable emptying as required
  • Filling the dispensers for dog waste bags
  • Maintenance of fountains and drinking water dispensers

The tasks include

z. For example: sweeping the facilities, collecting garbage, removing uncontrolled growth, checking water levels and regulating them, changing water, combating algae, cleaning basins, filters and inlets as well as commissioning and winterizing the fountains.
Kommunalservice Jena maintains and cleans the following fountains and water systems in the city of Jena.

Ornamental fountain

  • Neptune Fountain (Lobeda-East)
  • Town square (Lobeda-West)
  • Ashtray fountain (Lobeda-West)
  • Green Market Column (Lobeda-West)
  • Water axis (Winzerla)
  • Raft fountain (Winzerla)
  • Sibyllenbrunnen f ountain (Winzerla)
  • Animal fountain (Oberaue)
  • Frog King Fountain (Oberaue)
  • Stone fountain (Engelplatz)
  • Philistine Fountain (Am Pulverturm)
  • Water channel (center)
  • Lion Fountain (Center)
  • Bismarck F ountain (Market Square center)
  • Flora Fountain (center)
  • Drip f ountain (center)
  • Spring f ountain (center)
Water axis with drinking water dispenser (Winzerla)
Water axis with drinking water dispenser (Winzerla)

Drinking water dispensers

Public drinking water dispensers in squares and public buildings in the city offer residents and guests the opportunity to refresh themselves with pure drinking water free of charge. In hot summer months with extreme heat, water can easily be taken from these dispensers.
The KSJ is responsible for maintenance, cleaning and repair work.

  • Nonnenplan (city center)
  • Braided fountain ('water axis' Winzerla)

Further drinking fountains are being planned.

Street cleaning

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena