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Help and advice | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Help and advice

The DMB Mieterverein Jena e. V. offers its members a wide range of housing-related services, including advice on

  • Conclusion and termination of a co-contract
  • Housing defects and rent reduction
  • Modernization and cosmetic repairs or
  • auditing of utility bills, etc.

Membership requires payment of the annual membership fee.

The advice center of the Thuringia Consumer Advice Center also offers help with tenancy law issues in cooperation with the tenants' association - in person, by telephone and by e-mail. A fee is charged for most advice and information services.

The Studierendenwerk offers free legal advice on tenancy law in cooperation with independent lawyers at the individual university locations.

In order to avoid homelessness or to avert a comparable emergency situation due to rent or energy debts, the debt counseling team offers personal counseling assistance.

In addition, an interest-free loan to pay off these debts can be granted by the social welfare agency if the relevant conditions are met.

Persons capable of earning who are entitled to benefits for accommodation costs under the German Social Security Code II from the Eigenbetrieb jenarbeit cannot receive financial assistance to pay off rent and energy debts from the social welfare provider under the current legal provisions.

It is recommended that this group of people apply in good time to the SGB II benefit provider (jenarbeit) for the assumption of rent and energy debts.

The costs for accommodation and heating (KdU) are part of the ALG II benefits. These costs are covered in the amount of the actual expenses and are based on the local guidelines of the cities and municipalities.

Before approval is granted, it is always checked whether the costs of the apartment are in proportion to the individual circumstances, the living space and the local rent index. If the costs are too high, you will only receive the appropriate amount. You may be obliged to reduce the costs, including by moving to a smaller or cheaper apartment.


If you receive citizen's allowance (SGB II) or social assistance (SGB XII) or have a low income, you can apply to jenarbeit or the specialist social services department for benefits for the initial furnishing of your home.

This is a financial aid for the purchase of furniture and household appliances. A list of the required furniture and household appliances should be enclosed with the written application.

Initial furnishings can also be applied for in exceptional circumstances, e.g. after a house fire, release from prison or during pregnancy.

The need will be checked on site by field staff from the relevant office.


A certificate of eligibility for housing is required to rent subsidized and therefore cheaper housing. Whether a housing entitlement certificate can be issued depends on the income of all persons in the household.

The housing entitlement certificate is issued on application and is valid for one year. Applications must be submitted to the Housing Team of the City of Jena.

People who earn a low income or receive a small pension that is not sufficient to pay their accommodation costs can apply for housing benefit as a state rent subsidy.

Recipients of training assistance (BAföG) and vocational training assistance (BAB) are generally excluded from entitlement to housing benefit.

You may be eligible for housing benefit if you live with a spouse or children who are not entitled to BAföG or BAB benefits themselves. This is also possible if these family members receive state social benefits such as ALG II or basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity.

You can obtain the relevant application for housing benefit from the Housing Benefit Office and the Citizens' Service. Applications must be submitted exclusively to the housing benefit office.

Unmarried persons who have not yet reached the age of 25 belong to their parents' community of need and can only receive benefits for their own home in exceptional cases.

Exceptions are made if there are serious social reasons why you can no longer stay in your parents' or one of your parents' home. These include, for example, psychological problems, domestic violence and addiction. You can also claim other, similarly serious reasons.

There is also an exception if your own accommodation is necessary for integration into the labor market. This is the case, for example, if it is not possible to reach the job or training position from the previous place of residence.

Assurance that the rental costs will be covered must be applied for before the move. The necessity of the move must be justified and proven.


Es ist unschätzbar wertvoll, Hilfe zu bekommen, wenn man nicht mehr weiter weiß. Deshalb gibt es in Deutschland viele Beratungsstellen, die Hilfesuchenden in den unterschiedlichsten Lebenssituationen mit Fachwissen zur Seite stehen.