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European Regional Development Fund | Jena Planen und Bauen Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

European Regional Development Fund

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is an important funding instrument of the European Union.

EFRE-Logo und EU-Logo
Logos EFRE und Europäische Union, © Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie


Supporting the development of central places

The grants from the 2014 - 2020 funding period are intended to further develop and strengthen Thuringia's central places as vitalising impulse generators and infrastructural anchor points for their respective surrounding areas.

With regard to the local challenges, opportunities and development needs, the funding focuses on the priorities "attractive city, efficient city, inclusive city". Within this framework, the development of the central places as residential, economic, social, educational and cultural locations is to be supported and the ecological and energy conditions sustainably improved.

Jena is a selected programme municipality

The city of Jena is a selected programme municipality within the ERDF funding period 2014 to 2020. With the concept "JenKISS - Jenas Kommunale Integrierte Stadtentwicklungsstrategie" (JenKISS - Jenas Municipal Integrated Urban Development Strategy) and the projects included in it, the city of Jena qualified for funding in the ERDF competition "Sustainable Urban and Local Development" in 2015.

Jena has registered the following projects for ERDF funding:

  • Landfeste - revitalisation and open space design Saaleaue.
  • Redesign of the surroundings at Lichtenhainer Brücke/Burgauer Weg
  • Saaleweg Mittelwiesen 1st construction phase
  • Saaleweg Maua-Göschwitz 1st construction phase
  • New building Ernst-Abbe-Library with citizen service
  • Replacement of the rowing boat house
  • District centre Lisa - energetic redevelopment (programme part Efficient City)
  • Kassablanca - refurbishment of ventilation system (Efficient City programme component)

To date, the following projects have been granted subsidies

The utilisation and creative upgrading of the cultural landscape of the Saale floodplain close to the city for local recreation and soft tourism has been a special concern of urban development in Jena for years. The open space design of the "Landfeste" - as a connection between the newly designed Wenigenjenaer Ufer and the listed Volkspark Oberaue - is a further step towards the implementation of this goal.

The redesign of the Lacheterrassen, for example, will enhance the experience of the Saale and create vistas to the river and to prominent points in the surrounding area. Meadow areas will be made usable for lying and playing, and seating will continue to be created along the paths.

With the new construction of the Lichtenhainer Brücke in 2010/2011, this area near the Saale once again moved more into the public focus. The design of the surroundings at the Lichtenhainer Brücke/Burgauer Weg envisages a reorganisation in the area of the restaurant "Am Saalestrand" as an essential task. Here, a scaled town square is to be created as a spatial frame and as a place of identification.

In the extension of the Lichtenhainer Brücke, the connection to existing foot and cycle paths as well as the extension of the path towards the railway crossing Mühlenstraße is planned. The Burgauer Weg is to be renewed in the planning area. Furthermore, parking spaces will be arranged in this area.

With the With the framework plan "Saale", Jena is pursuing the goal of gradually developing a designed river landscape that can be experienced. For this purpose, individual and yet functioning construction sections are being formed.

With the implementation of this project, the already completed landscape park "Saalebogen" will be connected to the district of Göschwitz via a very well developed foot and cycle path. In addition to this infrastructural connection function, the area will be designed in such a way that it invites people to stroll and linger and thus serves as a local recreation area as well as a place to observe nature.

In the second stage of development, this connection will be extended to Maua.

The upgrading of Jena's inner city as a cultural centre is a focal point of urban development and a redevelopment objective pursued within the framework of the urban redevelopment measure "Model Project for Urban Renewal".

Based on the planning of pbr Rohling AG (structural engineering) and Stock landscape architects (surroundings), a joint new building for the Ernst Abbe Library and the Citizen and Family Service of the City of Jena will be constructed at Engelplatz by 2023. The design by ARGE (Arbeitsgemeinschaft) was awarded first prize in a Europe-wide, 2-phase open ideas and implementation competition.

The acquisition of the site and the new development will not only revitalise the inner city wasteland, but also further develop the southern inner city by closing the gaps between buildings. This will make an important contribution to urban repair at Engelplatz, Neugasse and Theaterplatz.

By 2023, a new building will be constructed at Engelplatz, which will combine the functions of the Ernst Abbe Library and the Citizens and Family Service in one building on approx. 5,900 m² of floor space. The urban planning classification and division of the building structure allows for a separate main access with its own address.

The new building creates a new place of knowledge, education, meeting and exchange in connection with the municipal services. The new uses complement the cultural and educational quarter with the adjacent theatre house and theatre forecourt (venue for the summer festival "Kulturarena") as well as the Carmelite monastery.

The planned investment costs for the new building are around € 35.6 million.

You can find more information about the realization at Eigenbetrieb Kommunale Immobilien Jena .

Please also have a look at this film on the Youtube platform.

Übergabe des Fördermittelbescheides durch Staatssekretärin Susanna Karawanskij an den Jenaer Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche. Weiterhin im Bild zu sehen ist Jonas Zipf, Werkleiter von JenaKultur
Übergabe des Fördermittelbescheides durch Staatssekretärin Susanna Karawanskij an Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche. © TMIL, Sebastian Lenk

With the construction of a new 2-storey and barrier-free rowing boat house for the Rowing and Lakeside Sports Association (Ruder- und Seesportverein e.V.), the objectives of the framework plan "Sport, Leisure and Culture on the Saale" are being implemented.

The aim of the project is the construction of a modern rowing boat house taking into account urban planning, economic and sustainable aspects, in particular with regard to the building technology, as well as the strengthening of the location Am Burgauer Weg as a water sports centre on the Saale.

Mit einer Gesamtnutzfläche von 1.300 m² fungiert das LISA seit 1998 als Lobedaer Informations-, Spaß- und Aktionszentrum im Stadtteil Jena-Lobeda. Den Mittelpunkt des Gebäudes bildet ein großer Saal, der für Veranstaltungen wie Konzerte der Jenaer Philharmonie, Jazz-Abende, Familienfeste, Tanz und Bürgertage genutzt wird.

Die Stadt Jena hat mit Hilfe der EU-Finanzhilfen eine energetische Sanierung (Heizung/Lüftung/Sanitär) des Stadtteilzentrums LISA umgesetzt. Mit den bewilligten EU-Finanzhilfen wird die Fernwärme-Hausanschlussstation erneuert, eine Wärmepumpe installiert und die Lüftungsanlage durch eine effizientere Anlage ausgetauscht. Durch die Erneuerung der zentralen Regelungstechnik ist zudem eine effizientere Objektverwaltung und bedarfsgerechte Steuerung durch den städtischen Eigenbetrieb Kommunale Immobilien Jena möglich. Eine entsprechende Energieeinsparung ist zu erwarten, da der Betrieb und Energiebedarf zukünftig an die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden kann.

Hier sieht man den Eingang und einen Teil des LISA-Gebäudes, blickend durch Blätter eines Baumes.
Außenansicht des LISA
Sichtbar sind hier Teile der Haussteueranlage des LISA, unter anderem Heizungsrohre und Pumpen.
Blick auf energetisch sanierte Haussteuertechnik im LISA

The Kassablanca is one of the most important cultural and event centers in the city of Jena. The association has enriched the local and national music and cultural landscape since 1990. In addition to fixed club evenings, there are concerts of every musical hue as well as cinema screenings, literature evenings, workshops, collaborations with the Jena Theater and a daytime café.

As part of the energy renovation, the heating and ventilation system was renewed. To increase the overall efficiency, the existing boiler was replaced by a gas heat pump and a gas condensing boiler. The ventilation system was replaced in favour of a new system with heat recovery and autonomous regulation and control.


Team urban redevelopment

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena