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Entry for the purpose of work | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Entry for the purpose of work

You are very welcome on the German labor market.

Even if you are currently in an EU or EEA country, the entry requirements for Germany apply according to your nationality.

You therefore need a visa to enter Germany. To take up work, apply for a visa for gainful employment in accordance with § 18 at German embassies or consulates in your country of origin.

The visa will only be issued if you have a concrete job offer or an employment contract. In Germany, the issue of a residence permit depends in most cases on whether the Federal Employment Agency approves your employment.


Special entry regulations apply to you as a citizen of

  • Australia
  • the Cook Islands
  • Guam
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Canada
  • the Cocos Islands
  • the Republic of Korea
  • New Zealand
  • Niue
  • the Norfolk Islands
  • Puerto Rico
  • Tokelau
  • the Christmas Islands
  • the United States of America, the US Virgin Islands and American Samoa.

You can enter Germany without a visa as long as you have a travel document that is valid for at least 6 months. In Germany, you will then also need a residence permit with permission to work.

Entry under other conditions

Whether you can enter Germany under other conditions depends on the type of residence permit you have in the relevant EU or EEA country.

  1. If you are a family member of an EU or EEA citizen, but are neither an EU, EEA nor Swiss citizen yourself, you will need a visa to enter Germany. You will then receive a residence card from the immigration authorities in Germany.
  2. If you have a right of residence that entitles you to EU-wide mobility, you do not need a visa to visit Germany. If you intend to stay longer than 90 out of 180 days per year, you should check whether an appropriate visa is required and can be issued in the country where you are currently staying. You must then apply for a residence permit in Germany after entering the country.
  3. However, if you have a permanent right of residence in another EU member state, you can generally enter Germany without a visa and apply for a residence permit from the local immigration authority.

Depending on the regulations for your country of origin,highly qualified persons may enter the country with a visa for the purpose of gainful employment (possibly scientific). When applying, you must prove that you already have a specific job, a secure livelihood and sufficient health insurance cover.

If you only wish to work, you can also apply for the EU Blue Card residence permit abroad at the German diplomatic mission if you already have a corresponding employment contract.

If you are applying for a visa for the purpose of research and teaching in an expressly designated research project, you must provide proof of a secure livelihood and adequate health insurance cover as well as a hosting agreement with a recognized research institution. The research institution must agree to bear any potential costs incurred by you for up to 6 months after your employment. The Federal Office for Migration and Integration provides an overview of these institutions.

This visa for the purpose of research and teaching is not issued to doctoral students.

You can enter Germany without a visa if you intend to stay in Germany for less than 90 of 180 days and solely for research purposes. Gainful employment is not permitted and you are obliged to leave the country after this period.

If you have received a residence permit for research purposes in another EU country, you can come to Germany without a visa as part of your research if you are otherwise also working in a Schengen country or do not intend to stay longer than 3 out of 12 months. If your stay is to be longer, you will be issued a visa for research at a recognized institution.

Skilled workers with non-academic, professional qualifications can also obtain a residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment if they already have a job offer.

Both highly qualified and skilled workers with qualified vocational training can obtain a residence permit in Germany for up to 6 months. The prerequisites are recognition of the qualification, a secure livelihood and German language skills appropriate to the intended activity, but at least language level B1.

Trial employment is permitted for a limited period during the stay. A residence permit for the purpose of employment can be issued directly in Germany if the search was successful.

6 steps to employment

  • Previous professional career
  • Professional qualifications (degrees, further training, internships, foreign languages...)
  • Personal qualifications (experience, social skills...)
  • ...
  • Field of specialization
  • Company (type, position, career opportunities)
  • Salary expectations
  • Prospects on the job market
  • own mobility
  • ...
  • Employment Agency
  • job fair
  • responsible chambers
  • ...
  • What further training opportunities are there?
  • What opportunities are there if I gain a higher qualification?
  • Is it worth qualifying in a second specialist area?
  • ...
  • Research on all platforms (Internet, employment agency, daily newspaper, notices...)
  • Direct inquiry with interesting companies (unsolicited application)
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Seek expert help / have it proofread
  • ...