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Semester abroad in Germany | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Semester abroad in Germany

You are very welcome to enrich your studies and your own experiences by spending a semester or even a year abroad in Germany.

As a politically and economically important nation, Germany is an attractive destination for students from abroad. In addition to a traditionally established, successful education system, such as at the universities in Jena, there are historically interesting cities and lively metropolises, a variety of attractive landscapes and colorful leisure activities to suit everyone from sports enthusiasts to literature lovers.

If you decide to spend a semester abroad in Germany, you will be faced with a great deal of organization and many questions.

Do you primarily want to experience the country and its people, learn or improve your German language skills, make future professional contacts or gain academic credits? Do you value one of these aspects more than others?

Obtain information

It is always a good idea to obtain information from your own university at an early stage. The International Office at the German university of your choice will often be able to help you.

You have to decide for yourself the ideal time for your semester abroad with regard to the regulations of your university, your degree course, your expectations of your stay and your previous knowledge.

Find out from your university in good time which examinations will be recognized in Germany after your stay so that you can concentrate on the essentials.

Check assistance

Students from European countries mainly make use of the ERASMUS programme, which has many partner universities throughout Germany and also offers organizational and financial support for tuition fees as well as travel and accommodation costs.

There are also partner programs for students from other countries. You can also receive grants here. If you want to organize your semester abroad independently, you can also do this and apply directly to the university of your choice.

Einen Ort zum Leben finden

Sie suchen eine Wohnung in Jena? Erste Orientierung bietet Ihnen das Internet. Über Webseiten für Immobilien und auch Inserate auf Anzeigenseiten können Sie schnell fündig werden. Mitunter gibt es Aushänge direkt an den zu vermietenden Objekten. Auch in d


Unter Lebenshaltungskosten werden alle nötigen Geldausgaben zusammengefasst, die ein Haushalt durchschnittlich im Monat tätigen muss. Dazu zählen Aufwendungen für Wohnen, Gesundheit, Lebensmittel, Mobilität und Freizeit. Weitere Bereiche sind z. B. Beklei

Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland

Um medizinische Hilfe in Deutschland zu erhalten, benötigen Sie eine Krankenversicherung. Der größte Teil der deutschen Bevölkerung ist in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung versichert. Dafür zahlen die Versicherten einen monatlichen Beitrag. Für Arbei