- A large part of the visitors who come to Jena are business travellers, conference guests as well as specialists and executives. The "BUSINESS LOCATION SPECIAL Business & Science" arouses curiosity about the city, local companies and institutions. It leads to important places in the city and offers many useful service tips and contact information with a photo story .

Brochure "Jena Lichtstadt"
- The brochure tells exciting Jena light stories from the past, present and future. Bright cultural, social and educational thought-provoking impulses from Jena are also not neglected in the booklet.
- In german/english.

Flyer "Welcome Service"
- This flyer is aimed at Jena entrepreneurs and personnel managers. The flyer informs about the Welcome Service, an offer of JenaWirtschaft, which is intended to interest potential candidates for Jena.
- In german/english

Five Reasons for Jena
- The best arguments for Jena and other important service tips tailored to the important target groups of Jena companies: Graduates, researchers, families, investors and international guests.
- Hier forschen die Besten (german)
- IN JENA hab´ ich tolle Aussichten (german/english)
- IN JENA lässt es sich gut leben (german/english)
- Hier will ich investieren (german)
- Here we feel welcome (english)

Skilled labour study Jena 2030 - Demand, labour force potentials and framework conditions for their activation
- For the first time, the study examines the personnel replacement and expansion needs of Jena's companies with regard to various growth scenarios and makes important key figures and developments regarding the needs of the local economy visible. In addition to a comprehensive analysis of the skilled labour problem, the study also provides a series of recommendations for action.
- Skilled labour study by the Centre for Social Research Halle Jena Business Development (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena mbH) (german)
- Skilled labour study Jena 2030 - The most important facts in brief (german)

Living in Jena. In-depth insights into the situation of international professionals in Jena.
- The study by the Centre for Social Research Halle is a secondary analysis of the representative "Leben in Jena" ("Living in Jena") survey conducted by the city of Jena in 2020 and is intended to provide an insight into the reality of life for working immigrants. In addition to the comprehensive analysis, the study also provides a number of recommendations for action.
- Study by the Centre for Social Research Halle for Jena Business Development (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena mbH) (german)

Symposium on interim use 2021 - A summary report
- 2021, the first symposium illustrated the range and potential of the concept for the temporary use of vacant real estate. The final report 2021 provides an overview of the projects dealt with from the region and beyond and summarises the results of the first symposium.
- In German.

Training Brochure Metal and Electrical Engineering
- Interviews with trainees provide an insight into the special features of the respective training path, give information on qualification opportunities and tips on the next steps for a successful training.
- Anspruchsvoll. Praxisorientiert. Vielseitig. Ausbildung in Jena und der Region - Metall und Elektrotechnik (german)
Training Brochure Health Management
- The brochure provides an overview of the educational opportunities in Jena as well as interviews with people who have opted for a career in health care.
- Meine Zukunft in der Jenaer Gesundheitswirtschaft (german)

Training Brochure Optics & Photonics
- The brochure presents the training opportunities for the optics and photonics industry in Thuringia. The professions are supported by interviews with tomorrow's experts and interesting facts about the industry.
- Mission Licht - Ausbildung in der Thüringer Optik & Photonik (german)

Flyer "Where to go after school?"
- The flyer "Where to go after school?" provides information about the current dates for career orientation and study choices in Jena and the surrounding area. Pupils, parents and teachers will find information on trade fairs, career days and career orientation events.
- In german.