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Admission requirements | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Admission requirements

The admission requirements at German universities vary depending on the origin and education of the prospective student. Detailed information can be obtained from the university of your interest.

The basic requirement for admission to a course of study is the Abitur or an equivalent school-leaving qualification. Only in exceptional cases is it possible for particularly qualified professionals to study.

If you have obtained your certificates abroad, you can check the anabin database to see to what extent they are recognized as university entrance qualifications.

In Jena, the Bildungswerk der Thüringer Wirtschaft can provide you with free and individual advice on the recognition of your qualifications.

You must have valid health insurance for the duration of your study visit.

If you were previously covered by your parents' family insurance, you can usually remain so for the time being. Your health insurance provider offers reduced premiums for students. Seek advice on this locally.

If you were previously insured with a foreign health insurance company, you must switch to a German health insurance company if

  • Your previous insurance was taken out in a country outside the EU or EEA.
  • your previous insurance was taken out in an EU country and you want to complete your entire studies in Germany. For a shorter stay, you should note that the European Health Insurance Card EHIC only covers emergency treatment.

Some degree courses are so popular that a numerus clausus has been introduced to restrict admissions.

Only those who obtain their school-leaving certificate with a certain grade will be offered a place. If you are therefore not initially admitted, you will receive your study permit after a certain period of time via a waiting list.

Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland

Um medizinische Hilfe in Deutschland zu erhalten, benötigen Sie eine Krankenversicherung. Der größte Teil der deutschen Bevölkerung ist in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung versichert. Dafür zahlen die Versicherten einen monatlichen Beitrag. Für Arbei

5 steps to studying

  • Special interests and skills
  • previous knowledge
  • Suitable organization of the course
  • ...
  • Gain an overview of courses on offer
  • Use university information days
  • Study fair
  • Websites of the universities
  • Counseling services
  • ...
  • Admission requirements at the university
  • Language skills, if applicable
  • Numerus Clausus, if applicable
  • ...
  • Do I meet all the admission requirements?
  • Financing the course
  • Travel costs, if applicable
  • Housing situation at the university, if applicable
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Obtain expert help / have it proofread
  • ...