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Admission procedure for repatriates | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Admission procedure for repatriates

In addition to asylum seekers, Germany takes in a fixed number of people directly from abroad every year. Many of them are contingent refugees, others are Jewish immigrants and ethnic German repatriates.

In addition, there are other federal admission programmes such as resettlement, the federal states' own admission programmes or supplementary private programmes run by non-governmental organizations or municipalities.

If you have German citizenship or are descended from at least one German parent or grandparent and live in one of the successor states of the former Soviet Union or another former Eastern bloc state, you can come to Germany through a special admission procedure.

Admission procedure

The admission procedure is carried out by the Federal Office of Administration. You can only be recognized as a late repatriate if you have already applied for admission in your country of origin.

At a German diplomatic mission abroad, you must provide proof of your ancestry and German language skills, among other things.

You can enter Germany as a late repatriate with the notice of admission and a corresponding visa. You must bear the costs of entry yourself.

After your entry, you will find initial accommodation in the Friedland initial reception center. From here, the Federal Office of Administration distributes all late repatriates to the individual federal states according to the Königstein Key. Family ties and existing employment or training opportunities will be taken into account.

Family members

Family members, i.e. spouses, children and grandchildren, can come to Germany at the same time as you, even if they are not recognized ethnic German repatriates themselves. Subsequent inclusion in the admission decision is also possible.

The prerequisite is always that the marriage has existed for at least 3 years. Family members of legal age can be included if they can prove that they have at least level A 1 German. Minors do not have to provide proof of language skills.

Only persons with late repatriation status are eligible to apply. Further information is available from the Federal Office of Administration.


If you are of Jewish nationality or descend from at least one Jewish parent or grandparent, live in the successor states of the former Soviet Union and do not profess any religion other than the Jewish religion, you have the opportunity to come to Germany as part of a special admission procedure. You can submit an application on the basis of the Residence Act. Applicants from Baltic EU member states are excluded.

Admission procedure

The admission procedure is carried out by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees BAMF. You submit your application in your country of origin to a German diplomatic mission abroad. In an interview there, you will prove that you have at least level A 1 German language skills.

The BAMF will have an expert opinion drawn up on the possibility of admission to a Jewish community in Germany. It will also draw up an integration prognosis based on your documents. The family environment, language skills, qualifications and work experience as well as your age will be taken into account.

If the prognosis is positive, a corresponding notification will be sent to the relevant diplomatic mission abroad. The decision will also provide information about the federal state that will accept you according to the Königstein Key.

You can now apply for the visa for your departure within one year. An extension of this period or a new application at a later date is only possible under certain conditions.


The admission procedure was created in awareness of Germany's historical responsibility. For this reason, special regulations apply to victims of National Socialist persecution. They do not have to provide proof of German language skills and an integration prognosis is not drawn up.

Family members

Family members, i.e. spouses and underage, unmarried children, can come to Germany at the same time as a Jewish immigrant, even if they are not Jewish immigrants themselves.

Family members who do not themselves fulfill the requirements for admission as Jewish immigrants must be included by the applicant. The prerequisite is always that the marriage has existed for at least 3 years.

Family members who are older than 14 years can only be included if they can prove that they have at least level A 1 German. Younger children do not need to provide proof of language skills. Entry must be as a family.

Family members who are entitled to enter themselves, including minors, must submit their own application for admission.


Independently of an asylum procedure, the Federal Government decides in special cases to accept quotas of refugees. A fixed number of people from crisis regions are allowed to move to Germany for primarily humanitarian reasons.

In recent years, for example, there have been quotas for Jewish migrants following the collapse of the Soviet Union and currently for civil war refugees from Syria.

Admission procedure

As a rule, you apply for admission at the German diplomatic mission in your country of origin.

After your arrival, you will find initial accommodation in the Friedland initial reception center. From here, the Federal Office of Administration distributes all quota refugees to the individual federal states according to the Königstein Key.

You do not have to go through an asylum procedure, but will receive an unlimited permit to stay and work.