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Clean air planning | Jena <strong>umwelt</strong> Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Clean air planning

The European Directive on ambient air quality assessment and management and its daughter directives, as well as the most recent Directive of the European Parliament on ambient air quality and cleaner air (2008/50/EC), contain limit values for air pollutants to protect human health and the environment.

If limit values are exceeded: obligation to draw up clean air plans

The EU Directive was transposed into German law with the amendment of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) in August 2010 and the Ordinance on Air Quality Standards and Emission Ceilings - 39th BImSchV of 02.08.2010. There is an obligation to draw up clean air plans if immission limit values are exceeded (Section 47 (1-3) BImSchG).

The Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation (formerly the Thuringian State Administration Office in Weimar) is responsible for drawing up clean air plans in the Free State of Thuringia.

The limit value for particulate matter (PM10) to be complied with from January 2005 was exceeded at times.

This resulted in the need to draw up an "Action Plan to Reduce Air Pollution in the City of Jena", in particular with measures to reduce particulate matter, which has been available since November 2008. The action plan, which was previously made public, is taken into account in decisions on air pollution control.

Since 2010, an annual average limit value of 40 µg/m³ must be complied with for nitrogen dioxide. The annual average measured in Westbahnhofstraße in 2010 was above this limit. Due to the exceedance, a new clean air plan was drawn up.

The action plan from February 2012 was published in March 2012 and again made available for public inspection. The measures contained therein are to be implemented by the city of Jena.


Immission control team

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena