Apply for postal vote, Elections 2024
Local elections will be held in Jena on 26.05.2024. On 09.06.2024 the European elections and possible run-off elections for the local elections will take place. Detailed information on the individual elections can be found on the Elections in Jena website.
You can vote at the polling station or by post. The location of your polling station can be found on your polling card. The easiest way to apply for a postal vote is online.
The online application for the local elections on 26.05.2024 ends on Wednesday, 22.05.2024, 24:00, and for the European elections and run-off elections of the local elections on 09.06.2024 on Wednesday, 05.06.2024, 24:00.
Returning and handing in the letters
Please return your postal voting documents by post no later than the Wednesday before the election Sundays. You can also hand in postal ballot letters at the postal polling station (see below) or drop them in the city's deadline letterbox, Gerbergasse, by midnight on the Saturday before the election Sund ays or hand them in at the election center, Bürgerdienste, Engelplatz 1, by 6 p.m. on the election Sundays.
Postal polling station
The postal voting office, where you can also collect your postal voting documents in person and vote immediately if you wish, is located in the event room of the Citizens' services Department, access via Klostergasse. The postal voting office is open on Mondays and Fridays, 08:30-13:00, Tuesdays 08:30-18:00, Wednesdays 09:00-13:00 and Thursdays 08:30-16:00. On the Fridays before election Sundays, the postal polling station is open until 18:00.