Civil Protection, Rescue Service, Supply Team
- Organization, planning and coordination of civil protection and disaster control as well as preparation and implementation of operational exercises
- Coordinating the tasks and training of the aid organizations involved in civil protection
- Setting up civil protection units and facilities, performing the tasks of the lower civil protection authority in accordance with Section 15 ZSKG and ThürBKG
- Conducting regular and consecutive exercises to test the disaster control plans
- Supervision of psychosocial emergency care (PSNV)
- Management of civil protection
- Budget management for federal grants for civil protection
- Drawing up and updating the rescue service area plan for the city of Jena to ensure a demand-oriented and comprehensive ground-based rescue service
- Planning and monitoring the training and further training of rescue service personnel
- Organizing and controlling the billing of fire department and ambulance service operations and the billing of fees
- Preparing and conducting contract negotiations with the cost bearers (health insurance companies) in the emergency medical services and with third parties (aid organizations and companies)
- Ensuring the warning of the population, civil protection (e.g. sirens)
- Flood protection / heavy rainfall events (flash floods) / water defense
Belongs to
Specialist fire department