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Civil Protection, Rescue Service, Supply Team | Jena Rathaus Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Civil Protection, Rescue Service, Supply Team


  1. Organization, planning and coordination of civil protection and disaster control as well as preparation and implementation of operational exercises
  2. Coordinating the tasks and training of the aid organizations involved in civil protection
  3. Setting up civil protection units and facilities, performing the tasks of the lower civil protection authority in accordance with Section 15 ZSKG and ThürBKG
  4. Conducting regular and consecutive exercises to test the disaster control plans
  5. Supervision of psychosocial emergency care (PSNV)
  6. Management of civil protection
  7. Budget management for federal grants for civil protection
  8. Drawing up and updating the rescue service area plan for the city of Jena to ensure a demand-oriented and comprehensive ground-based rescue service
  9. Planning and monitoring the training and further training of rescue service personnel
  10. Organizing and controlling the billing of fire department and ambulance service operations and the billing of fees
  11. Preparing and conducting contract negotiations with the cost bearers (health insurance companies) in the emergency medical services and with third parties (aid organizations and companies)
  12. Ensuring the warning of the population, civil protection (e.g. sirens)
  13. Flood protection / heavy rainfall events (flash floods) / water defense

Belongs to

Specialist fire department


Civil Protection, Rescue Service, Supply Team

Am Anger 28, GAZ, BT B
07743 Jena